

By Vaibhav Varma This photo was taken on January 1 right after midnight in the middle of Cuba. I'll admit, this is an obscure post, but 2024 was an obscure year. It's often said that social media is a highlight reel, so I thought I would mix it up and share some insights I learned over the past few months. I have realized that duality is a critical component of life. This year, I took 20 flights, but had 2 hospitalizations. Ended a poor relationship, but built the best relationship l've had with myself. A rejection of religion, but a new embrace of spirituality. Several pounds of muscle gained, with several pounds of fat. 12 book read, many hours doom scrolling. Resigning from a toxic work environment, starting a new career path. Many fun nights, many therapy sessions. And, of course, several heavenly milestones, but new ways to honour those that have passed away. It's not so much about looking for the positive in the negative - it's more about living in accordance ...


By Jayden Kyryluk Our life is not measured by years, but the lessons we’ve learned. The biggest lessons are learned in the most painful moments. You know, those raw and soul defying moments, experiences and events that change everything. They change you, your perception of all around you, but most importantly your self - how you see you. Moments where your expectations are shattered, and your once clear image of the future is lost with the wind. A moment so hauntingly hurtful that you can literally feel your life ripping in two, forever running towards a direction you never even thought was possible. Our lives are hard. As a child, my dad would always say “life is hard, buddy. Get used to it.” This truth means nothing until you really live it, learn it, and finally, it clicks. Life really is hard. Things happen that don’t make sense. The sky crumbles on top of you, and you gasp for air wondering “why me?”  Yes, you. Yes, you. It’s all meant for you. Exactly when it happened. Exactl...

It’s Time to Move

By Taegan F I’m sure everyone has heard the term “manifesting.” It is widely used as interpreted in different ways. I see it as cause and effect. A ball drops, it bounces. You put water in the freezer, it freezes. You dream of getting a promotion, so you work hard and earn it. You think certain thoughts, therefore you start to feel and act aligned with those thoughts. You must not only think, write things down, and visualize, you need to ACT. Action is the number one thing in making something come to life, but where does it all start? It begins with desire. That feeling of intrigue and excitement. It will start to consume your thoughts until you have no choice but to act and immerse yourself in the world of this desire. A lot of the time our childhood interests light the path to what’s important to us. I remember being young and being so enamoured by photographs and cameras. Seeing pictures on the family computer and being so curious how people could take such vibrant and quality photo...

The Doors of Reality

By Jayden Kyryluk You are not what you think you are; you are what you think. So be careful how you speak to yourself, for you are always listening and always believing. If you wish to escape or change your reality, first recognize that you created it. Much like prison, your current reality is of your own making, and the first step to freedom is acknowledging that you are trapped. There is no chance, coincidence, or accident in where you are right now. Not only are you exactly where you are supposed to be, but you are exactly where your thoughts brought you. You rise as high as your dominant aspirations and you descend to the level of your lowest concept of yourself. The infinite intelligence within you responds to your thoughts. Every thought you plant in the garden of your mind becomes part of your reality. As the Buddha said, “all that we are is the result of what we have thought. We are made of our thoughts. We are moulded by our thoughts. As we think, so we become.” Feed your mind...

A Whisper From Within

By Jayden Kyryluk I Am the infectious spirit that thrives within you, spreading positivity and light to all who cross your path. I Am the whisper of encouragement in your ear, urging you to see the beauty in the mundane and the wonder in the everyday. Look around you, and let your eyes be opened to the magnificence of the world. See the sky as a canvas painted with the hues of orange, red, and blue, and let its vastness remind you of the endless possibilities that lie before you. Embrace the clouds as they drift lazily across the heavens, and marvel at their ever-changing shapes and forms. Look down at the earth beneath your feet and feel the pulse of life coursing through its veins. Run your fingers through the grass and feel the softness of its blades against your skin. Reach out and touch the rough bark of a tree, and let its strength and resilience inspire you. For in every leaf that rustles in the breeze and every bird that sings its sweet song, there is a lesson to be learned and...

Reflections on Resurrection

By Aubert Bastiat Jesus spoke of resurrection, not just as a future event, but as a path – the “narrow path” – open to his followers. But what does resurrection truly entail?⁣ The answer emerges in several ways. The ultimate resurrection is a grand project – complete spiritual liberation, a state of enlightenment achieved by great sages who, like Yeshua, have walked the entire “Cycle of Initiation,” a journey spanning multiple lifetimes.⁣ Yet, there’s another kind of resurrection, a smaller step closer to home. We can experience it on a personal level, at any stage in our development. This is the “seed of change” that makes all the difference. The grand journey begins with a single step, taken exactly where we stand.⁣ There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Each individual’s path unfolds uniquely, and every step is always the first on a grander journey. This vast cycle of initiations mirrors itself in our daily lives – the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm. Just as the s...

Soul Infection

By Jayden Kyryluk Be an infection. Not a health infection, but a soul infection. Infect others with a positive attitude. Infect them with a beautiful outlook on life; on the small things, on the things we all overlook. Look up at the sky in awe and see the clouds as you see your mother and hug them in wonder. Infect everyone you meet with happiness. Look down at the grass and up at the trees as a child in generous curiosity. For happiness, fulfillment, and love is found not on the surface, but within. When you find inspiration in the world, that feeling you get doesn’t come from what you see or what you seek, but from how you feel. It comes from a place you've already been before. On the surface, the sky, clouds, grass, and the trees appear to be a mere function of life, but in truth, they are life itself, and so are you. They are mirrors reflecting one another, so ask yourself: what do I want to reflect?  Your energy is contagious–reflect it onto others. Infect them with you, with...