The Doors of Reality
By Jayden Kyryluk You are not what you think you are; you are what you think. So be careful how you speak to yourself, for you are always listening and always believing. If you wish to escape or change your reality, first recognize that you created it. Much like prison, your current reality is of your own making, and the first step to freedom is acknowledging that you are trapped. There is no chance, coincidence, or accident in where you are right now. Not only are you exactly where you are supposed to be, but you are exactly where your thoughts brought you. You rise as high as your dominant aspirations and you descend to the level of your lowest concept of yourself. The infinite intelligence within you responds to your thoughts. Every thought you plant in the garden of your mind becomes part of your reality. As the Buddha said, “all that we are is the result of what we have thought. We are made of our thoughts. We are moulded by our thoughts. As we think, so we become.” Feed your mind